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Лидеры продаж
01.L Presenter
02.Combiboxx 1/3 A4 8587
03.Literature Holder FLEXIPLUS 2 A4 portrait 1709008400
04.Literature holder Durable Flexiboxx 12 17097630
05.Self-adhesive magnetic infoframe Duraframe Durable 4872 2pc
Snap Frame aluminium A4 Adjustable Sign Holder Stand Ђ19,30 (0.00 Ђ)

Belle Vous Silver A4 Adjustable Sign Holder Stand - Aluminium Pedestal Poster Standing Display - Snap Frame for Portrait & Landscape View - For Weddings, Exhibitions, Retail Stores & Restaurant Menus

  • This stand is made of high quality aluminium meaning it will not rust when used outside. The poster frame measures L32.5 x H24cm (12.80 x 9.45 inches) and will fit a sheet of A4 paper up to 10mm thick. This can be displayed in a vertical or horizontal view. This stand can be adjusted to different heights with the minimum height being 74.5cm (29.33 inches) and the maximum height being 118cm (46.46 inches). The base measures 25cm (9.84 inches) in diameter.

  • HEAVY DUTY BASE: Each pedestal stand features a base which can be filled will water or sand to weigh it down to give stability and stop it from moving or falling over. This is especially helpful when using the display for outdoor events or shows. To reinforce the base, remove the tank plug and simply fill with water or sand. Your poster will also be protected from dirt, fingerprints and the elements under the included PVC protection lens cover.


